Petak Umpet Minako is an Indonesian movie based on Indonesian best selling survival horror novel. The story is about young people who held a school reunion and plays a highly known Japanese hide and seek alone Hitori Kakurenbo. Hitori Kakurenbo requires a doll for the medium for the spirit to possessed who who will turn as the seeker. When the spirit comes, everybody runs for their life not only chased by the doll but also their haunting past life. The spirit that possessed the doll named Minako. Minako chase all the participant of the game and take their soul. As Minako collects more souls it gradually turns into a perfect form. I’m an Indonesian director who grows with Japanese cultures and admires how Japanese forms their cultures into a popular culture for their young generation. Not even for the Japanese, but also internationally. As I wrote the script the characterization of the characters is very manga-like character design. The way the actors acts in someway is unrealistic, b...
From concept to execution. Waktu gue membayangkan design konsepnya, gue mau sesuatu yang intim as the story is about relationship (human with human and human with non-human), tapi bisa bikin orang mikir atau memicu interaksi orang yg melihat, tapi juga creepy at the same time. Maka gue bikin lah konsep seperti sketch gue ini. Bersama sahabat gue yang udah ngerti banget taste gue, graphic designer yang sangat baik hati Alvin Harris, kami mengeksekusi konsep ini. Engga gampang ngarahin 3 perempuan cantik ini, they are so intimidating hahaha, maksud gue in a good way. Each character has a strong persona, so its really hard to make a blend between them. setiap pergerakan gestur, micro facial expresion yang berubah, bisa berubah juga 'story' dalam poster ini. Jadi gue mencoba beberapa expression, tapi yang kalian lihat ini lah yg menurut gue the best on who can represent the story well.